Stories Behind The Creation: “Grateful Heart.”

“Grateful Heart,” 20 x 30 x 0.75 Acrylic.

This year, for the first time since my husband’s death in February 2021, I am truly ready for putting myself out there as an artist.

I am preparing for a larger event in June. When planning for an event, like an art fair, it’s important to create a body of work that represents your mission, and your message to the world.

This particular artwork will be the one that I hope draws people in to take a closer look. I want to show how important it is to enjoy our beautiful world and commit to protecting it. For all the beauty that we see and crave, it will take work to keep it healthy and clean for generations to come.

I call this piece, “Grateful Heart.” A woman named Katherine goes on vacation to get away from the cold winters in Michigan, along with her loving companion, her golden retriever, Luna. On the first official day of vacation, they get up early to catch the sunrise. Luna immediately runs off to chase the seagulls while Katherine praises the morning sunrise. Can you feel the warm sun as it caresses your face? Can you feel the gentle sea breeze catching your hair in a gentle toss? Can you hear Luna barking with glee and the call of the seagulls saying, “Catch me if you can!”?

Now you know the inspiration behind the painting.

For more “Stories Behind The Creation…” Read more

Be well, be blessed.


Splendor of the Wild French Horses


Are your art activities a business or a hobby, and why it matters.