I’m on a spiritual journey.

To see more details of my journey, visit my Journey Blog.

I share my story and journey as a poet and artist to help people like you unwind, relax, and find their inner peace. My goal is to help you refocus and remember who you really are. Leave the chaos of the world outside the door.

I’m Not Perfect, But I Can Always Make Intentional Improvements.

  • Get In Touch With Nature.

    • I will get outside, let the wind toss my hair, and let the sun softly caress my face. Walk on a beach barefoot, and let the sand squish between my toes. I will close my eyes and listen to the birds singing. When I am in nature, I am in touch with the Creator. I don’t think that just sitting at home, staring at a screen, is really living. We are here on earth for such a short time. I will make the most of it. Feel our beautiful planet. I care about protecting and healing our natural world. Let your spirit sync with it. You will feel energized and alive!

  • Practice Self-Love And Respect.

    • We have a spirit and a body to care for while we’re here. It’s important to get rest, destress, eat well, and practice all of the above daily. Feed your mind, your spirit, and your body. Make the most of each day. Being on a spiritual path is a lifelong journey of growth. I’m inviting you to come along with me.

Ways To Improve My Daily Life To

Receive More Blessings and Growth

  • Declutter my mind and my space.

    • Sit comfortably in silence or with quiet music or nature sounds in the background. Allow my mind to quiet, Don’t focus on anything, just let it all go. Let the cares and concerns that have been building up just dissipate. Allow only LOVE, do not allow fear to enter. Connect with my intuition. Center myself in the here and now. Be present. I will commit to getting rid of thoughts and things that no longer serve me. I will declutter my thoughts and my home space. I will make more room for the things I truly need in my life.

  • I Will Re-Examine My Belief System Regularly.

    • I will not allow my beliefs to limit my thinking and my life. My beliefs should allow me to grow and ascend to higher wisdom. I will be open to new ideas and experiences. Whatever energy I release into the universe, I want it to magnify and return. I will not judge another for their beliefs, I will respect them, even if I currently disagree. I will send out LOVE and have LOVE returned. I will allow my belief system to expand and change as I experience growth. When you declutter and make more room for expansion of your mind, you give yourself permission to explore new ideas, new beliefs, and new opportunities. You also increase the opportunity to wake up to a life experience you never knew was possible. If you limit your beliefs and be stubborn, you take away all of the new possibilities that you experience here on our earthly journey.